
Find the form you need for appeals, claims, prior authorizations, and other common tasks.

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Here you'll find a wide variety of our most frequently used forms. Forms are in Adobe (.pdf) format. Don't have Adobe Reader? Get it here.

If you can't find the form you need, please contact us.

Select the plan type from the tabs below for forms and information.

Prior authorization

Prior authorization request form - Individual plans only use one prior authorization request form for all services including DME and provider-administered infusion drugs.

Claims, billing, appeals

Credentialing and updates

See the Join Our Network page for credentialing forms and information.

Visit our Update Provider Information page for resources to update your provider information and directory listing.


Provider appeal submission with authorization - Resolve billing issues that directly impact payment or a write-off amount. Note the different fax numbers for clinical vs. general appeals. Member authorization is embedded in the form for providers submitting on a member's behalf (section C).

Policy reconsideration - Request reconsideration of a coding policy.

Processing or correcting claims 

Corrected claim cover sheet - Correct billing info, codes or modifiers, or add an EOP on a previously processed claim. For more details, see corrected, replacement, voided, and secondary claims in Electronic Funds and Claims.

Support document cover sheet - Submit medical records or other required supporting documentation to process a claim.

Incident questionnaire - Use when a patient has sustained an injury or was involved in an accident.

Other coverage questionnaire - Provide information about a patient's other healthcare coverage.


Overpayment notification - Notify us of an overpayment your office received.

Letter for refunds less than $50 - We don't send a letter requesting a refund for overpayments of less than $50 per claim. Use this form for your documentation purposes.

Care management 

Admission notification and discharge notification

Prior authorization and pre-approval 

General prior authorization request

Out-of-network exception request - Request in-network benefits for an out-of-network service.

Durable medical equipment (DME)

Infusion drugs


Pharmacy exception request form

Pharmacy prior authorization request fax form

Credentialing and updates

View the Join Our Network page for credentialing forms and information.

Visit our Update Provider Information page for resources to update your provider information and directory listing.