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Relay Mobile Messaging Coming to Members in 2023

January 12, 2023

This year, LifeWise members will begin to receive text messages from Relay, a personalized mobile communication network. This new service will provide members with information about their account and other educational content.

Here’s what you need to know to answer your clients’ questions about Relay:

Q: Who will be receiving messages?

Members who have a mobile number linked to their account and have made a payment for January 2023 will begin receiving text messages for the relay service beginning January 6.

Q: What is the relay experience service?

A: This is a free, secure, and personalized mobile communication network that will provide members with information about their account and other education content. When members are connected to the free relay service, a personal message feed will be automatically created for them. An SMS message will be sent to their mobile device with a link to access their personal message feed. Unlike social media platforms, no one can see the messages and is only visible to the member. When they have new content or a message posted to their feed, they will receive an SMS alert to be notified.

Q: What are the benefits?

A: Relay is the fastest and easiest way for members to stay on top of their most important communications. Designed just for them, relay delivers the information they need, right when they need it, to a private online message feed. Direct access to their personal account information and details means they reduce time spent looking through websites or waiting on hold for things they need.

Q: How long is the link active for?

A: The link is active for 72 hours upon receipt of the SMS message. If the member accesses the link after this timeframe, they may receive notification that the auth link has expired. They can click the resend auth link button at the bottom of the screen and receive a new SMS message with a new personalized link to access their message feed.

Q: Is the feed directly linked to the member portal?

A: No, they will have their own separate login credentials to any other web portals that they have associated with LifeWise.