Locate In-Network Healthcare Providers

Search in-network providers

Use this quick and accurate LifeWise provider directory to look up a doctor, specialist, or Kinwell clinic near you.

Search tip: Know your network. Check your ID card for your network or sign in to search for a provider in your network.


Find 24/7 virtual and phone care

LifeWise offers several additional care programs that support a variety of health needs. Schedule visits with virtual care providers for just $5 on many plans.

Kinwell virtual care

Use virtual visits for primary care at member-exclusive Kinwell clinics. Virtual care is coordinated with the in-person care you receive at Kinwell.

Explore Kinwell virtual care

Doctor on Demand

Book a secure video visit with an urgent care provider and wait only five minutes or less, or with a mental health therapist at a time that works for you.

See a Doctor on Demand

Boulder Care substance abuse help

Boulder Care offers virtual visits for treatment of alcohol use disorder, opioid use disorder, or other addiction care.

Go to Boulder Care

24-hour NurseLine

Physical or wellness issue? Use the phone number on the back of your ID card and get help from licensed nurses to decide if you need immediate care.


How to get the most out of your LifeWise plan

Stay in network

With in-network providers you’ll enjoy easier access and better rates on out-of-pocket costs.

Keep up with preventive care

Make preventive care a priority so you can stay healthy and keep your healthcare costs lower.

Get preapprovals

Avoid surprises. Check with your provider to see if any treatments, tests, or services require preapproval.

Your health plan covers preventive care services as required by state and federal law. For more information, please review the "A" and "B" rated services on the United States Preventive Task Force, immunizations recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and preventive care and screening recommended by the Health Resources and Services Administration. See the list on healthcare.gov.